Become a Member

As a member of the PGDA, you help shape the association and enjoy several member benefits, as well as support future activities & initiatives.

Membership Benefits

Get Connected

Become part of a group of Austrian game developers, ranging from students to veterans.

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We strengthen the connection between industry professionals, educational institutions, as well as players from other sectors. We build international partnerships with game companies and other associations, and strengthen those ties as a member of the European Games Developer Federation (EGDF).

Support Game Developers

As a member, you’re directly supporting PGDA’s activities to boost the growth and promotion of the Austrian games industry.

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As a non-profit organization, the PGDA depends on subsidies and membership fees to support its activities and initiatives for game developers in Austria. The more people join, the better our industry will be represented, and the more we will be able to do.

Give Your Input

Get your voice heard and help shape the policies and objectives of the Austrian games industry.

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The PGDA represents the Austrian game development industry, and that means we need to hear from you! We are open to your ideas and would like to know how we can best support your business. Get a seat at the table to join the conversation about industry positions on the biggest issues, and contribute to policy discussion and our engagement with government bodies.

Industry Research

The PGDA is conducting a research report every 2 years, mapping the facts & figures of the Austrian game development industry. 

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Conducting & publishing this research report is financed mostly via subsidies. However, having the support of our association members makes for more means to communicate about the Austrian games industry, such as promotional material or other out-of-pocket costs. As a member, you’ll be the first to know about the status of the upcoming report.

Our Future Plans


The PGDA wants to share the expertise in our network with our members by setting up workshops.

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As a starting game company, it can be hard to get the knowledge and expertise you need to run a successful business. We’d like to set up a number of workshops especially tailored to Austrian game developers and students to help cross that knowledge gap.

Want to host a workshop yourself? Please contact us!

Mentorship Program

The PGDA wants to set up a mentorship program aimed at underrepresented people in the games industry.

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The PGDA values diversity and inclusion, and is aware that joining and staying in the games industry can involve multiple barriers for underrepresented people. Cis women, non-binary and trans people, people of color, and people with disabilities are minorities in game development. The PGDA wants to encourage underrepresented groups to join the industry and, perhaps more importantly, prevent them from leaving. By setting up a mentor program, we hope to strengthen connections and support young developers in their careers. Having someone with experience to talk to can be an important motivator.
Please let us know if you’re interested in becoming a mentor or mentee!


Using our extensive network of industry organizations across the world, we plan to offer discounts for our members.

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As the PGDA grows, we are planning to team up with industry partners such as service providers and event organizers to offer discounts to our members for industry services, tools, and/or events.


Benefit from the extensive knowledge of industry experts with a 30min free business consultation meeting.

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Sometimes you just need a 1-on-1 talk with someone that can help you find the next step. PGDA is in the process of setting up (limited) free consultations with industry experts on topics such as business development, law, and funding. Let us know which topics you are interested in, or offer your time to share your expertise with other PGDA members. 

How can I participate in the association?

Thanks for stopping by and taking a closer look at the PGDA’s activities. If you are interested in the purpose of our association you might wonder, how you could become part of the PGDA yourself?

We are open to everyone who is involved in game development or considers doing so in the future. In order to become part of our association, the PGDA offers various membership options:

Full Membership

Full members actively engage in the day-to-day business of the association. As a full member you are entitled to the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in internal elections. Full members are invited as well as accepted by the board only.

Extraordinary membership

Extraordinary members can apply for a membership through the website and will be accepted by the board. Extraordinary members do not have the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in an internal election. With this membership, you can participate in advisory committees and also lead committees owning specific topics important for the association.

Sponsor Membership

Sponsor memberships are open to every natural or legal person, as well as a partnership having legal capacity contributing a donation to the association. Sponsoring members do not have the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in an internal election.

Honorary Membership

Honorary members are persons who are appointed to this category as the result of special services for the Association. Honorary members do not have the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in an internal election.

Membership for other associations

Associations with similar strategic goals are welcome to become members of the PGDA. However this membership type is not associated with the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in an internal election.

If you have any questions about membership options, please feel free to reach out to us.
We are looking forward to start a conversation with you at

If you would like to apply directly for a membership please submit the form below.

Membership Fee

Extraordinary Membership, Yearly*

* Yearly, means per calendar year, the payment request is sent out in Q1

Extraordinary Membership for Students, Yearly*

Registration Form

Please note: you are entering the association as an individual. Companies cannot be members. 

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