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PGDA Monthly Call – Founding a Company

For this month’s PGDA call, we are talking to two special guests about founding a game company in Austria.

Are you considering to set up a game studio in Austria? Then this event is for you!
We’re talking about topics like how to get your business going, legal forms, selling digital products in many countries, and learnings and mistakes.
Of course, you can ask questions & share your experiences as well!

Our special guests this month are:

  • Milo Gutmann (CEO, Pow Wow)
  • Daniel Borza (WKO)

This is a virtual meetup on Discord, for everyone in Austria to join and participate.

When: Wednesday November 24, 19:00-21:00
Where: Twitch & PGDA Discord – join the server

Sign up for future events over at our Meetup page!

PGDA at the University of Klagenfurt

PGDA at the University of Klagenfurt

Looking back at a successful "Press Start: Your Journey into Game Development" Event in Klagenfurt!In cooperation with the Game Studies and...