Contact us
Want to know more about the Austrian games industry?
Or do you want to work together? We want to hear from you!
Pioneers of Game Development Austria
Verband österreichischer Spieleentwickler
Lassallestrasse 3/7.OG
A – 1020 Vienna, Austria
Contact us at
Or send us a message on social media:
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I become a member as a game developer?
Anyone developing games in Austria is welcome! Please fill in the form on this page.
I make games and live outside of Austria. Can I become a member?
Yes! Please fill in the form on this page.
Where can I find data about the Austrian games industry?
The numbers and statistics are published in the Industry Report.
I'd like to collaborate with the PGDA, who should I contact?
Please email us, and we’ll make sure to connect you with the right person.
I'm looking for a job in the games industry. Can PGDA help me?
We recommend you to join our Discord community to get in touch with other game developers. Open positions are posted there as well.
I'm a student, can I become a member?
Yes, we have a special membership fee for students. Please fill in the form on this page.
I'm making games as a hobby. Can I become a member?
Anyone developing games in Austria is welcome! Please fill in the form on this page.
I'm an Austrian game developer, I have news about my game/company. Can PGDA share the news?
We’re happy to share big news (game release, company takeover/merge/close, investments) on our website. Smaller beats (screenshots, trailers, open jobs, etc) are shared only via social media channels. Please contact us or send a message via Twitter and include an url/press release.
I'm organizing an event that is relevant for Austrian game developers. Can PGDA share the news?
We share news about events in Austria on our website and social media. International events are judged on an individual basis. Please contact us or send a message via Twitter and include an url, image and relevant information about the event. We are open to promotional collaborations!