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Roguebot wins PGDA Talent Award 2024!

21 Jul 2024

Roguebot, developed by students of FH Hagenberg, has been selected as winner of the second Austrian Talent Award. The award ceremony took place at Level Up in Salzburg on June 30th 2024.

PGDA is encouraging young talent and helping students, as well as graduates, get started in the games industry. The goal for this award is to cherish the outstanding education quality in all districts throughout the country, visible through the astonishing projects created by talented young developers for their graduation. Basically, PGDA wants to recognize and celebrate the outstanding work done by schools that have established internationally acclaimed curricula for games, putting a spotlight on their achievements over many years.

Out of impressive 33 submissions from teams all over Austria, 3 games were shortlisted, out of which Roguebot emerged as winner.

About Roguebot

Roguebot is a fast-paced third person action-roguelite in which the player must fight their way to the top of a futuristic facility. Armed with a plethora of firearms and melee abilities you get to control a small robot on its journey through three distinct sections. The deeply interwoven story unfolds as you find mysterious satellites that lie scattered in this ominous environment. No run is the same as the floors are procedurally generated.

An overview of all projects including links to trailers can be found here.

As part of their well-deserved win, the Roguebot team will receive a booth at Gamescom in Cologne, along with a valuable mentorship program. This achievement not only brings recognition but also opens doors to new opportunities and industry connections for the FH Hagenberg students.

The PGDA extends its thanks to the international jury for their expertise and dedication in evaluating the submissions. Additionally, appreciation is given to all the teams that submitted their games, showcasing their creativity and passion for game development.

Congratulations to the winner team! See you in Cologne 🙂

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