PGDA Call: Getting a job in the games industry
We are headed into the new year with a discussion about recruitment, hiring and job prospects in the Austrian games industry. Special guests this month are Daniel Rind (Technical Director at Purple Lamp), Julian Breddy (Head of Design at Purple Lamp) and Ilija Melentijevic (Art Director at Mi´pu´mi Games).
When: Tuesday, January 23rd, 20:00-21:00
Where: Twitch & PGDA Discord
Sign up for future events over at our Meetup page!
Österreichische Spieleentwickler*innen vereint auf Steam
Wien, Österreich – 18. June 2021 Zum ersten Mal treten die österreichischen Spieleentwickler*innen vereint auf der weltweit grössten Distributionsplattform Steam auf...
The History of the Austrian Games Industry
While the industry is rather small in Austria, think less Hollywood but more French arthouse movies, it all started rather early. In the...
Funding for Games and Game Companies in Austria
Public funding options are a well proven pathway to success for Austrian developers, from prototyping, research and development to market deployment. There are also...